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Hair and heat: the golden rules for strong, healthy hair

Summer temperatures and increased sebum also make scalp problems even worse. Do you already know how to prevent them? Find out in this article.

Sun and sea represent the perfect combination for vacations and our good mood. The same cannot be said for the hair, whose health can be undermined by these external stresses. The first enemy is the sun, which alters the skin’s balance, increasing perspiration and, consequently, the proliferation of bacteria that can make the hair weaker and trigger infections. It is no coincidence, in fact, that during this period, many people notice excessive dryness of the hair and increased shedding compared to previous months. This physiological and transient phenomenon should not cause too much concern (unless it lasts for a long time). But what can we do to counteract hair loss and dryness during the summer? You’ll find out in the next few paragraphs!

Hair and heat: what to do before going to the beach

Before we talk about remedies, let’s figure out how to protect our hair and what to do before exposure (at the beach as well as in the mountains or the city). The first precaution to take is also the simplest: cover your head. You can use a hat or bandana: the important thing is to protect the scalp to avoid direct rays and possible sunburn and ensure the head covering is made of cotton or natural fibers because it allows the skin to breathe. Likewise, you can use protective oils that create a kind of barrier against the sun and saltiness. Then at the end of the day, when you wash your hair, always use nourishing and strengthening products by adding ad hoc masks and boosters to your hair care routine. Finally, try not to use a blow dryer or straightener, which, adding to the stress of the sun’s heat, end up making your hair even drier by weakening it. Better to let it dry naturally whenever possible.

Hair and heat: how to adjust your hair care routine

To not alter the balance of the scalp-essential for healthy hair-during the entire summer period, it is necessary to wash the hair with gentle products and moisturizing solutions such as conditioners, for example. In addition to always protecting your hair with oils and hats, at the beach and the mountains, when you are at the pool, do not forget to use swimming caps. As always, nutrition can also make a difference. In addition to the classic advice to drink plenty of water (even when you do not feel thirsty), it is best to avoid fatty foods, preferring a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. If needed, you can appeal to supplements with minerals, copper, iron, and zinc that help fight the fall. The extra tip: To keep your scalp hydrated, you can use vegetable oils by gently massaging to stimulate skin microcirculation.